Twinpics. AI

Doing twinpics is hard for me. Twinpics is a thing  when you have to describe a pictureand you only get 100 characters. We have to do it becase we need to know who to describe whings. I learnt how to describe things. If I did it agin I would chang it so I can put some colour in the discription. Do you think you will do well in Twinpics?

St Johns

Hi I have been learning about the doctor’s A,B,C. It is D,R,S,A,B and C the D stands for dangers’ the R stands for response’ the S stands for send for help, the A stands for airway’ the B stands for breathing and, the C stands for CPR. Have you done CPR?


We have been learning to use apostrophes for a contraction or to show ownership. I can identify and discuss the two times to use an apostrophe. I can use  an apostrophe to show a contraction and use an apostrophe to show ownership.

An apostrophe makes a word shorter or it’s someone’s thing.    Should we take out the apostrophe in word ‘it’s’? No, because it is makes sense in this sentence.

The New Girl Ava

In the school I went to the pool and when we where leaving we think a littile kide pooped in the pool. After the school holidays I was scared to go back to school, but there was a new girl in our class room. Her name is Ava. She is a nice girl. I liked that she came to Kaniere because now we are friends. If you were a boy and a new girl started that was scared would you help her?

Pounamu Pathways

On Tuesday went to Pounamu pathwayas and lernt about the history of the West coast got a booklit and in the booklit we had questions and activities we had to do. In one of them we needed to draw a line from each plases name to it’s correct location the names are Kawairi Mawhera Hokitika Awarua. There where three battles we learnt about they where in the order of lake  Kaniere, Mahinapua and Moana. Tuhuru is fearsome warrior and so is his wife Papakura here is a picture of Tuhuru  . If you look at his necklace the Pounamu it cood have been pused on forever it is speshal.


For reading this week we looked at the  Water Cycle.  A water cycle is like how water works in cycle on earth.   Water can have lots of different forms like,   Snow, rain, gases, liquids and solids like ice.

We are summarising our reading. We read one of the paragraphs and we took the important words and made thim into one or two sentences. I liked it. Do you no how water works?

Catching 3D shapes in a net.

This week for maths we were turning 3D shapes into Nets.  A Net is what a 3D shape would look like if you peeled it open.    I took a pyrimid and opened it up into a start shape.   When it was opened we talked about edges, faces, and vertices.


I think I learned a lot from this.   I think maybe I could turn a more difficult shape into a net.

How difficult would it be to turn your house into a net shape?