
We got to choose to do a seahores, a shark or an origami fish I chose a seahourse. I thought it was really fun drawing the seahorse. I wached a video that taled me wate to do wached it and it’s good, hears wote it tuned out like.

Do you wont to try this?

Little Blue Kororā

Little Blue Kororā (Penguins) are very adaptable. They don’t mind nesting under houses and sheds, but the problem is that they’re often not welcome in these places. Some people don’t like the noise the birds make throughout the night and their nesting sites do have a very strong smell. The other difficulty is that, in urban areas, the Kororā (Penguins) are atrisk from predators such as cats and dogs. And there’s also the chance  that the little blues will be ran over by vehicles.

Luci and Emily have become more and more aware of the threats and dangers facing their favourite Kororā. In the end they decide to phone Tim, a ranger at the Department of Conservation.


We have bean lerning to

  • Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important
  • Use reference sources (e.g. glossary, online/ dictionaries / thesauruses) to find the meanings of new words

Would you be willing to help?

Here is my reading task

Gratitude Art

We are leaning to do gratitude art. There are 6 steps to do it. Step 1 find an image on Google and print it on a printer. Step 2 cut the image out. Step 3 get a pencil and news paper and trase around the image on the ritting and cut that out. Step 4 now gat P.V.A gluw and put string around the paper. Step 5 you don’t have to do this you put the gluw on the holw paper so it will be more stiff. Step 6 get a little pees of wood or a shell or a rook about three and a half inches and hot gluw the news paper image to the rook/wood/shell. Are you good at Art?

Looking At Patins

This week we have be learning to times numbers and add on and in maths some times there are more answers than one. Doing this is easy all you have to do is, . . . like say 5+1 and evry time you do this you have to times it 1st time you do this you have to times it by one and the 2nd time you do this you times it by 2 and keep going. Would you enjoy this?

Team 4 learning

Learning With Harold:

Going with Harold is fun when we went there we learnt about Resilence. You may not know about Resilence it is some thing to do with having  a fix mind seat and a growth mind seat. A fix mind seat is a mind seat when you think every think is supposed to be easy and does not want to learn and is un coachable, and a growth mind seat is a mind seat that wants to learn and is cochable. Will your school go to Harold?

Flox Art:

Flox Art  is nature Art. We learnt To do dental and fethers on birds. It does not have to be a bird it can be a animal in nature. Sometimes it can be hard but I used a stenst to do my bird. Do you like nature?

Twinpics. AI

Doing twinpics is hard for me. Twinpics is a thing  when you have to describe a pictureand you only get 100 characters. We have to do it becase we need to know who to describe whings. I learnt how to describe things. If I did it agin I would chang it so I can put some colour in the discription. Do you think you will do well in Twinpics?

St Johns

Hi I have been learning about the doctor’s A,B,C. It is D,R,S,A,B and C the D stands for dangers’ the R stands for response’ the S stands for send for help, the A stands for airway’ the B stands for breathing and, the C stands for CPR. Have you done CPR?


We have been learning to use apostrophes for a contraction or to show ownership. I can identify and discuss the two times to use an apostrophe. I can use  an apostrophe to show a contraction and use an apostrophe to show ownership.

An apostrophe makes a word shorter or it’s someone’s thing.    Should we take out the apostrophe in word ‘it’s’? No, because it is makes sense in this sentence.

The New Girl Ava

In the school I went to the pool and when we where leaving we think a littile kide pooped in the pool. After the school holidays I was scared to go back to school, but there was a new girl in our class room. Her name is Ava. She is a nice girl. I liked that she came to Kaniere because now we are friends. If you were a boy and a new girl started that was scared would you help her?